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How Your Dentist Gets the Perfect Match for Your Crown

February 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 7:35 pm
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A dental crown is a common restorative solution for a broken or severely decayed tooth. The crown (or “cap”) is a sturdy covering that completely surrounds the affected tooth, bringing back its full strength and function in one to two visits to your dentist’s office. 

If you need a dental crown in Big Pine Key for a tooth that shows when you smile, one of the most important things is getting the color right so that it blends in with the surrounding teeth. Keep reading to learn what your dentist does to get the shade just right. 

Process for a Dental Crown

Unless your dentist has an in-house fabrication system, your dental crown will be created in a lab that specializes in ceramics. First, your dentist will create a mold of the affected tooth and gather all the relevant information about your smile necessary for creating the crown. Then, the plan will be sent to the lab, where the crown will be created out of natural-looking porcelain/ceramic. Once it is ready, you will return to your dentist’s office for a follow-up appointment and your crown will be placed. 

Selecting the Perfect Shade

One of the great things about porcelain is that it is easily customizable to match the shade of the surrounding teeth. Unless the damaged tooth is in need of immediate repair, your dentist may recommend you whiten your teeth before receiving your crown so that it can be matched to the whitest shade possible. After all, it is easier to whiten natural teeth enamel before than to whiten a dental crown later. 

When it’s time to match the crown, your dentist will likely use a color-matching guide. It’s a small chart with lots of different shades of white. By holding each one up to your teeth, your dentist can pick the one that suits your smile best. You may be asked to cover any bright clothing with a gray gown, and/or to remove any vibrant lipstick. These strong colors can skew the appearance of your natural teeth, making them look brighter or darker than they actually are. 

Taking Care of Your New Crown

Once your crown has been placed and you are loving its natural, seamless appearance, take the necessary steps to ensure it stays healthy and intact for the years ahead. 

Proper dental crown maintenance includes:

  • Brushing the surrounding teeth for two minutes, twice daily
  • Flossing between teeth daily
  • Avoiding biting down on hard foods (nuts, ice, candy) and foreign objects (fingernails, packaging, etc.)
  • Visiting your dentist twice annually, or as often as is recommended

In short, there’s no reason to fret that your new crown will stick out like a sore thumb. Your dentist is well-versed in the steps necessary to ensure it looks just like the rest of your teeth. Once it’s on, take the proper steps to maintain it and enjoy your beautiful restoration for years to come! 

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Amanda Cobb earned her dental degree from Nova Southeastern University and has been providing top-notch cosmetic and restorative dentistry services, including dental crowns, for patients ever since. Dr. Cobb is an award-winning dentist in Big Pine Key who takes the time to answer all of her patients’ questions. To learn more about dental crowns or to schedule an appointment, call the office directly at (305) 680-1553. 

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